School of Law and Justice

University of Southern Queensland

Sam Kerr’s ‘White’ Comments: Racial Insults Under the Legal Spotlight

By Dr Nicky Jones, University of Southern Queensland

Editor’s note

When Australian soccer star Sam Kerr called a London police officer ‘f***ing stupid and white’ in January 2023, her words led to an international legal debate about racial language. The February 2025 verdict finding her not guilty of racially aggravated harassment raises key questions: When does mentioning someone’s race constitute racial hatred? Does calling someone ‘white’ carry the same weight as other racial terms?

In a previous post, Associate Professor Andrew Hemming examined the implications of Sam Kerr’s acquittal on free speech legislation in Australia. In this post, Dr Nicky Jones examines the Kerr case through the lens of Australian law. Her examination reveals how courts interpret racial language when directed at historically dominant versus marginalised groups.

On 11 February 2025, global media reported the outcome of a five-day trial in the Kingston Crown Court in London. The court had to decide whether Australian soccer player Sam Kerr had made comments that racially harassed a Metropolitan Police officer on 30 January 2023.

Kerr made these comments at the police station when she grew impatient with the police officer who appeared to doubt her version of events. She thereupon called him ‘f***ing stupid and white’. The officer showed no concern about these insults in his first statement shortly after the incident.

However, 11 months later, the officer provided a second statement. This came after the Crown Prosecution Service (‘CPS’) had declined to charge Kerr. In this later statement, he said that Kerr’s comments made him feel ‘shocked, upset and humiliated’.

One year after the incident, the CPS charged Kerr with a racially aggravated offence of intentional harassment under s 4A(1) of the UK’s Public Order Act 1986 and s 31(1)(b) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998.

Under these sections, a person is guilty of an offence if the person intends to cause another person harassment, alarm or distress by using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, that causes the other person harassment, alarm or distress. It is a further offence if the public order offence is racially aggravated.

Australian anti-discrimination provisions use similar language to prohibit offensive behaviour based on racial hatred. Section 18C(1) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) prohibits an act that was done in public because of another person’s race or colour or national or ethnic origin if the act was reasonably likely, in all the circumstances, to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate the other person. Similar State and Territory laws prohibit racial vilification, and Queensland and some other States impose civil and criminal sanctions on racial vilification.

This post focuses on the racial aspect of Kerr’s comments. It explains how Australian laws would treat similar racial insults. The post will not describe the events that led to Kerr’s trial or the trial itself as these have been well-documented elsewhere. The post draws its information from news reports and video footage filmed by police body cameras that recorded Kerr’s interactions with the police.

These events raise challenging questions about racial insults, hatred and vilification and to whom and how these wrongs apply for the purposes of pursuing legal protections.

Is it racially insulting to call someone ‘white’? In important legal respects, calling someone ‘white’ is not a racial insult in an Australian or UK context.

Australian anti-discrimination law requires courts to consider ‘all the circumstances’ of an act or insult. This includes context and (in this case) the historical and cultural situation of white people and whiteness in society.

Legal tests for racial insults

Section 18C(1) of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) sets out two important elements:

  1. The impact of an offensive act, assessed objectively; and
  2. Causation or the reasons behind the offensive act.

Courts assess impact from the perspective of a hypothetical ordinary, reasonable member of the racial group targeted by the act. Would an ordinary, reasonable member of that racial group have been offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated by the act?

The words ‘offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate’ carry their ordinary meaning. In Creek v Cairns Post Pty Ltd, Justice Kiefel noted that these are ‘profound and serious effects, not to be likened to mere slights.'[1] Justice French also considered these terms in Bropho v Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission,[2] as did Justice Bromberg in Eatock v Bolt.[3]

Establishing that the act produced one of these responses from an ordinary, reasonable member of the targeted racial group is sufficient. When determining impact, the context (‘all the circumstances’) in which the act took place is significant.[4]

Case spotlight: McLeod v Power

The facts in McLeod v Power closely resemble the Kerr incident.[5] This case involved a verbal altercation between an Aboriginal woman and a white correctional officer. The woman swore repeatedly at the officer, calling him names such as a ‘white piece of ****’.

Federal Magistrate Brown noted that in the Australian context, calling someone ‘white’ is not of itself a term of abuse. Undoubtedly the woman swore at the officer because she wished to cause offence and to protest at what she saw as the arbitrary and unreasonable nature of his decision to refuse her entry to the prison so that she could visit her partner.

However, in the context of the matter, a reasonable correctional services officer with a pale skin would not have been offended, humiliated or intimidated by the addition of the words ‘white’ or ‘whites’ to the respondent’s verbal abuse. The words were not of themselves offensive words or terms of racial vilification. White people are the dominant people historically and culturally in Australia. They are not in any sense an oppressed group whose political and civil rights are under threat.

… in the Australian context, calling someone ‘white’ is not of itself a term of abuse… white people are the dominant people historically and culturally in Australia and are not in any sense an oppressed group whose political and civil rights are under threat.

Brown FM dismissed the officer’s complaint. Although a reasonable prison officer might find the words offensive generally, they would not have been offended by the racial implication specifically. It did not constitute racial hatred or vilification.[6]

Kerr clearly intended to insult the London police officer when she called him ‘stupid and white’. She admitted this under cross-examination.

News reports repeated the police constable’s second statement that the words made him feel ‘upset’, ‘belittled’ and ‘shocked’. He said ‘they went too far and I took great offence to them’. Even Judge Peter Lodder KC noted after the trial that ‘[Kerr’s] own behaviour contributed significantly to the bringing of this allegation.’

Nevertheless, the UK jury quickly found Kerr not guilty of racially aggravated harassment.

Australian courts would likely reach the same conclusion under racial hatred provisions. Adapting Brown FM’s detailed reasoning in McLeod v Power, Kerr used insulting comments ‘to express her frustration at what she perceived as being a power imbalance between herself and [the officer]’ in a ‘stark and confrontational manner’.[7]

The words offended, but they did not exemplify the racial hatred that the Racial Discrimination Act aims to prohibit. As Brown FM stated:[8]

it is drawing a long bow to use the Racial Discrimination Act in this way and was certainly not the primary purpose of the legislature in enacting legislation of this kind.


[1] (2001) 112 FCR 352, [16].

[2] (2004) 135 FCR 105, [67]–[69].

[3] (2011) 197 FCR 261, 323–5.

[4] See Drummond J’s comments on this point in Hagan v Trustees of the Toowoomba Sports Ground Trust [2000] FCA 1615, [15], [18]–[31]. See also Creek v Cairns Post Pty Ltd (2001) 112 FCR 352, [12]-[16].

[5] (2003) 173 FLR 31.

[6] Ibid [59]-[60], [69].

[7] Ibid [62].

[8] Ibid.

Image attribution: Spotlight icons created by mavadee – Flaticon

About the author

Dr Nicky Jones teaches public international law and human rights and anti-discrimination law at the University of Southern Queensland. In 2023, Nicky’s book An Annotated Guide to the Human Rights Act 2019 (Qld) (written with Peter Billings) was published by LexisNexis. Recently, she has been appointed to the Queensland government’s Human Rights Advisory Panel. While studying law, Nicky interned at the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, where she worked with Brian Burdekin AO, former Australian human rights commissioner, in the National Institutions team. After graduating, Nicky worked as a judge’s associate for the Hon Justice Margaret McMurdo AC FAAL (then President of the Court of Appeal in Queensland). Nicky worked briefly in private practice and Crown Law before returning to academia. She is admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Queensland and the Federal and High Courts of Australia.  

The Nuclear Energy Debate: Can Australia Achieve Carbon Zero by 2050?

A/Prof Andrew Hemming’s Research Seminar

We’re pleased to announce the second installment in our School of Law and Justice Research Seminar Series for 2025. Associate Professor Andrew Hemming will be presenting on one of Australia’s most pressing energy policy debates: the role of nuclear power in achieving our carbon zero emissions targets by 2050.

This timely seminar will examine the conflicting cost assessments between CSIRO’s GenCost report and Frontier Economics’ analysis, addressing whether Australia can maintain reliable baseload power without nuclear energy as coal-fired power stations are retired.

For full details including date, time, location, Zoom access, and registration information, please refer to the seminar flyer below. Both in-person and online attendance options are available, but registration by the deadline is required.

We encourage all students, university staff, and community members interested in energy policy, climate change solutions, and the intersection of science and law to attend this thought-provoking presentation.


Sam Kerr’s Acquittal: Free Speech and the Criminalisation of Offensive Language

By Associate Professor Andrew Hemming, University of Southern Queensland

Executive summary

The recent acquittal of Matildas captain Sam Kerr on charges of racially aggravated harassment raises important questions about free speech limitations, the criminalisation of offensive language, and apparent double standards in how male and female athletes are disciplined. This analysis examines the legal tests applied in Kerr’s case and explores broader implications for free speech legislation in Australia and the UK.

The Case: Sam Kerr’s Acquittal

On 12 February 2025, Sam Kerr, the captain of the Matildas soccer team who also plays for the London club of Chelsea, was found not guilty of racially aggravated harassment of a police officer, Constable Stephen Lovell, by a jury in the Kingston Crown Court in London.

Kerr was charged under s 31(1)(b) of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (UK). This section comprises three elements:

  1. Kerr intended to cause ‘harassment, alarm or distress’;
  2. Her words caused Constable Lovell ‘harassment, alarm or distress’; and
  3. Her words ‘stupid and white’ were racially aggravated.

Legal Analysis: Three Subjective Tests

An examination of the above three elements reveals that the jury would have been required to consider three subjective tests. First, the subjective test of whether Kerr intended to cause Lovell ‘harassment, alarm or distress’. In her cross-examination by the Crown Prosecutor Emlyn Jones, Kerr admitted her words ‘you’re ‘f…king stupid and white’ were meant to upset Lovell but denied that she meant to hurt him.

Whether Kerr’s words caused Lovell ‘harassment, alarm or distress’ (the second subjective test) was put to Lovell by Kerr’s defence counsel Grace Forbes, who suggested Lovell had ‘experienced this impact purely to get a criminal charge across the line’. Lovell denied the suggestion.

The third subjective test of whether Kerr’s words ‘stupid and white’ were racially aggravated was, according to opposing counsel, to be determined on two different criteria. Jones focused on events in the police station, while Forbes focused on the taxi ride and Kerr’s frustration with events leading up to Kerr calling Lovell ‘stupid and white’. Here, Forbes was using res gestae (things done or things transacted) as an exception to the hearsay rule to admit evidence of contemporaneous events relevant to the matter in issue. In this context, it was an error on the part of the Crown not to call the taxi driver to give evidence.

For the Crown, Emlyn Jones attacked Kerr’s claim she felt Lovell could not understand what it was like to be a woman being driven in a taxi by a stranger while being scared because it was an issue of a man not putting himself in a woman’s shoes and had nothing to do with race. Jones put to Kerr that she was saying to Lovell that ‘you’re stupid because you’re white’. Kerr accepted it was what she did but not what she meant.

For the defence, Grace Forbes argued that in the police station Kerr was scared and stressed and while expressing herself poorly did not intend to racially harass Lovell. Forbes put to the court Kerr’s state of mind and the actions of the police had to be taken into account when considering Kerr’s words ‘stupid and white’.

In this maelstrom of subjective tests, it is scarcely surprising that the jury were unable to find all three elements of the offence proved beyond reasonable doubt.

The Free Speech Question

In a free country, we shouldn’t be criminalising speech that is simply offensive. If the right to free speech doesn’t protect words some might think offensive, it’s a useless right – little more than a right to be nice, banal. Indeed, a state that criminalises words that simply offend is far more dangerous to our health than hearing a few nasty words.

— Janet Albrechtsen, ‘Changes to the Criminal Code were far too late’, The Weekend Australian (8-9 February 2025), 34.

But the question must be asked, should such an offence be on the statute book? As Janet Albrechtsen has astutely pointed out, so what if Lovell had felt humiliated and distressed for being sledged by Kerr for being white (or for that matter if someone had called Kerr stupid and made some slur about her Anglo-Indian heritage)?

In Australia, we need look no further for our own straitjacket on free speech in the form of s 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) which makes it unlawful for someone to do an act that is reasonably likely to ‘offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate’ someone because of their race or ethnicity.

Legal comparison: UK vs Australia

UK: Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (s 31(1)(b))Australia: Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (s 18C)
Criminal offence requiring proof beyond reasonable doubtCivil provision with lower burden of proof
Requires intent to cause ‘harassment, alarm or distress’No intent required – only that act is ‘reasonably likely’ to offend
Must prove words actually caused harmMust only prove words were likely to cause harm
Requires racial aggravationApplies to acts based on ‘race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin’

Double Standards in Sports Discipline?

As for Kerr, her acquittal was something of an own goal or a pyrrhic victory as the judgment of the court of public opinion has been decidedly unfavourable having witnessed Kerr’s foul-mouthed outburst on video. If Kerr had agreed to pay for the damage to the taxi when she first entered the Twickenham police station, then Kerr’s halo as the golden girl of Australian sport would not have slipped to the floor.

Nevertheless, such a fall from grace has not prevented Football Australia from putting out what Andrew Webster has aptly described as a ‘one sentence pedestrian statement loaded with corporate gobbledygook’: ‘Football Australia will reflect with Sam on learnings from the matter and we will continue to provide appropriate support for her moving forward.’ Webster likens this to burning some incense and reflecting, asking the pertinent question of what would have happened to a male sporting superstar in Australia under similar circumstances:

Imagine it was an AFL or NRL player or cricketer who’d drunkenly spewed in the back of the cab, refused to pay for the damage, been driven to a police station as the driver sought restitution, abused police, swore at police, flashed their bank balance on their phone at police.

— Andrew Webster, ‘If Kerr was a male superstar, the punishment would have been swift’, The Weekend Australian (15-16 February), 41.

Webster answers his own question by saying the relevant sporting body, after the relevant court proceedings had ended, would have immediately issued a breach notice on the player desperate to minimise any further reputational damage to the game. The player would be facing a heavy fine and possible suspension.

What Does This Mean for Law and Sport?

The final act in this tawdry little drama may be more of a whimper than a bang. Football Australia may finally take some disciplinary action against Kerr, such as relieving her of the captaincy of the Matildas, but Kerr’s future career hinges on her ability at the age of 31 to continue playing soccer for any period after taking a year to recover from her second torn anterior cruciate ligament.

Where do we draw the line between offensive speech and illegal harassment? And do our sporting bodies apply consistent standards across genders when it comes to off-field behaviour? These questions may prove more enduring than the details of Kerr’s case itself.


Andrew Hemming is an Associate Professor in Law at the University of Southern Queensland, based at the Toowoomba campus. A seasoned teacher and prolific author, he specialises in evidence and criminal law.

Andrew is known for his rigorous scholarship and passion for engaging in robust debate.

2025 School of Law and Justice Research Seminar Series

The School of Law and Justice welcomes you to our 2025 Research Seminar Series. Join us as academics and practitioners share their research on a range of topics including constitutional reform, Indigenous rights, legal education, and environmental policy. These monthly sessions offer a chance to engage with current issues affecting Australia’s legal landscape.

Next upcoming seminar


Will Australia Require Nuclear Energy to Achieve Carbon Zero Emissions by 2050?

Associate Professor Andrew Hemming

12:30 PM | Q402 (Toowoomba) or Zoom

Seminar details

📅 Time and date

When: Fourth Wednesday monthly
Time: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM (AEST)

🎯 Audience

Open to all:

  • Staff
  • Students
  • Legal professionals
  • Community

📍 Location

In-person: Q402 (Toowoomba)
or specified Ipswich room
Online: Via Zoom
(ID on flyer)

💰 Cost and parking

Entry: Free
Parking: Free visitor parking
at all campuses


20 February*Paul ChartrandReflections on Constitutional Reform and the Evolution of the State-Indigenous Relationship in Canada: Lessons for Australia?Q402 (TWB)†/Zoom
26 MarchAssociate Professor Andrew HemmingWill Australia Require Nuclear Energy to Achieve Carbon Zero Emissions by 2050?Q402 (TWB)/Zoom
23 AprilProfessor Rachael Field (Bond)Wellbeing in Legal EducationQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
28 MayAssociate Professor Rhett MartinHow Should the Agricultural Sector Respond to Natural Capital and Biodiversity Certification Regulation?Q402 (TWB)/Zoom
25 JuneProfessor Jonathan CroweIntuition as a Source of Legal KnowledgeQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
23 JulyDr Sarah ButcherTopic on PrivacyQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
27 AugustKatrina PedersenNeuroscience of NegotiationQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
24 SeptemberProfessor Kerstin BraunQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
22 OctoberTBCTBCQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
26 NovemberProfessor Mary Keyes (Griffith)Jurisdiction Agreements in International Family LitigationQ402 (TWB)/Zoom
* This seminar is being held on a Thursday, but at the usual time of 12:30–1:30pm (AEST)
† TWB = Toowoomba campus

How to attend

Seminars are delivered in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and online attendance.

  • In-person: Join us at either the Toowoomba campus (Q402) or specified Ipswich campus room. Free visitor parking is available.
  • Online: Participate via Zoom using the meeting ID provided on the seminar flyer. Online attendees can fully participate in the Q&A session.


Registration is available through Microsoft Forms approximately two weeks before each seminar. The registration link will be posted on this page.

By registering, you will:

  • Get calendar invites and seminar materials
  • Be notified of any last-minute changes
  • Have access to the Panopto recording after the seminar

Contact information

Series Convenor: Dr Sarah McKibbin

If you require any accommodations to participate fully in these seminars, please contact the series convenor.

Beyond ‘Adult Time, Adult Crime’: The Reality of Queensland’s Youth Justice Act in a New Political Era

This post is the second academic post examining Queensland’s Liberal National Party’s ‘adult crime, adult time’ policy. The posts are designed to ignite thoughtful discussion and debate. Mrs Kirstie Smith now offers her response to Associate Professor Andrew Hemming’s provocative analysis.

By Mrs Kirstie Smith, University of Southern Queensland


As Queensland enters a new political era following this weekend’s election, it’s crucial to examine claims that have shaped the youth justice debate. The campaign’s central premise rested on the proposition that criminal offending results from rational choice and can be deterred through punishment. Moreover, Associate Professor Andrew Hemming’s recent assertion that the current system operates merely as a ‘get out of jail free card’ for Queensland youth, coupled with claims of ‘weak’ judicial decision-making ‘hampered’ by restrictive laws, demands careful scrutiny. These arguments, while politically potent, overlook Queensland’s growing body of mandatory sentencing orders and the crucial role of judicial discretion in achieving just outcomes.

Sentencing: Beyond the ‘Feel Good’ Response

The act of sentencing is a sophisticated balance of legislative purpose, legal principles, mitigation features, and circumstances of aggravation. These are predominantly set out in the Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 (Qld) and work in conjunction with the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld). While historically a key sentencing principle held that imprisonment should only be imposed as a last resort, this principle exists alongside deterrence objectives. As Justice Spigelman astutely observed:

The ineluctable core of the sentencing task is a process of balancing overlapping contradictory and incommensurable objectives. The requirements of deterrence, rehabilitation, denunciation, punishment, and restorative justice do not generally point in the same direction. Specifically, the requirements of justice, in the sense of just deserts, and of mercy, often conflict.

Legislative Changes and Their Impact

Associate Professor Hemming’s critique of child offender identity protection, particularly in the context of social media boasting, raises superficially compelling arguments. However, this perspective overlooks the substantial legislative response already enacted. Queensland governments have amended the Youth Justice Act over ten times in the last decade, including significant changes through the Strengthening Community Safety Act 2024 (Qld).

A key change has been the amendment of Principle 18, which previously enshrined detention as a last resort, stating that a ‘child should be detained in custody for an offence, whether on arrest, remand or sentence, only as a last resort and for the least time that is justified in the circumstances.’ The removal of ‘last resort’ fundamentally alters how courts approach youth detention, shifting from a presumption against custody to a more open-ended assessment of what time is ‘justified in the circumstances.’

The statute also modified the Childrens Court Act 1992 (Qld) to create a presumption of open proceedings for victims, relatives of deceased victims, and accredited media. Now, interested parties must be specifically excluded on a case-by-case basis. This operates alongside new offences criminalising the publication of criminal activity on social media, with heightened penalties where motor vehicles are involved. In addition, the penalties for unlawful use of motor vehicles were increased for both adults and children, with additional increases for the theft of vehicles at night. The Labour government had also introduced ‘extreme high visibility police patrols’ to deter would-be criminals from offending in the first place.

Case Study: The Limits of Deterrence in Knife Crime

Queensland’s approach to knife crime provides an excellent contemporary case study through which to examine both the deterrent effects of legislative change and the impact of public sentiment on maintaining punitive penalties. Recent tragic events — including the stabbing death of grandmother Vyleen White, the Bondi Junction attacks, and the stabbing of Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel — have intensified focus on both penalties and police ‘stop and search’ powers. However, this reactive pattern of legislative response to public fear has a longer history.

In 2005, Bondy, Ogilvie and Astbury examined the rationale for expanding weapon control legislation. They cited the Law Reform Commission of Victoria’s caution that being armed with an offensive weapon ‘cannot be expected to have any impact on these types of serious, premeditated crime,’ emphasising that increased legislative controls should only be introduced when a ‘clear and demonstrable need exists.’ Despite this, legislative expansion typically followed high-profile incidents, with their research finding that traditional enforcement approaches only ‘played a subsidiary role in reducing young people’s weapon possession and carriage.’

The Australian Institute of Criminology’s 2011 report reinforced these findings, citing evidence from the UK that tougher penalties neither deterred knife carrying nor reduced reoffending; in fact, imprisonment increased recidivism. If deterrence worked as claimed, increased penalties should have shown immediate correlative effects. Instead, Parliament noted an 18% increase in knife-related offences from 2019 to 2023, despite implementing extensive ‘safe spaces’ trials, public campaigns, and restrictions on knife sales to minors.

Yet this evidence hasn’t deterred Premier Crisafulli from advocating, or former Premier Miles from expanding, existing legislation, police powers, and education regimes, including a $6 million boost to knife crime prevention campaigns announced in February 2024. This phenomenon can be understood as ‘cathartic’ — the public, largely unaffected by these selective restrictions, feels reassured that their fears have been recognised and something has been done, regardless of whether the measures are justified by evidence.

The Reality of Youth Crime Statistics

Fear and distrust have become the default safety measures in what media outlets portray as an era of unprecedented youth crime. Following election promises, late-night news broadcasts, and talk-back radio rhetoric, one might believe owning a car in Queensland has become an act of reckless optimism, given the supposedly inevitable theft by ‘untouchable’ young offenders. This narrative, however compelling for headlines and political campaigns, crumbles under the weight of empirical evidence and comes with a costly price tag.

The 2024–25 Budget allocates $365.1 million over four years to Youth Justice as part of a $1.28 billion Community Safety Plan. Of this, $224.2 million is earmarked for youth detention infrastructure, including the Woodford Youth Detention Centre, while $94 million will operate the Wacol Youth Remand Centre. Yet the Queensland Audit Office‘s 2024 report reveals youth crime has been steadily decreasing for over a decade. The number of young people charged with offences has fallen from 14,485 in 2011–12 to 10,304 in 2021–22. Perhaps more tellingly, youth offenders’ contribution to overall crime has decreased from 17% in 2011–12 to just 13% in 2022–23.

Queensland Youth Crime Trends

YearYoung Offenders% of Total Crime

Youth Justice Budget Allocation 2024–25

CategoryAmount (millions)
Detention Infrastructure$224.2
Wacol Youth Remand Centre$94.0
Other Programs & Services$46.9

This statistical reality raises serious questions about the allocation of public resources. While $221.1 million is dedicated to detention infrastructure in 2024–25 alone, community-based orders — which show success rates of 87% for non-Indigenous youth and 77% for Indigenous youth — receive comparatively modest investment.

What we are witnessing is not a crime wave but rather a surge in alarmist and misleading headlines designed to instil fear, increase clicks, and sell subscriptions. Historical analysis by ABC News reveals this is not a new phenomenon: Queensland’s media has consistently blamed ‘crime waves’ on ‘spoilt children, irresponsible parents, and lenient judges’ since the 1800s, regardless of actual crime rates. Neither mainstream media outlets nor the state’s politicians appear interested in presenting these statistical realities. Instead, nuanced discussion of underlying issues remains notably absent while rhetorical attacks on the judiciary and political opponents continue, threatening to destabilise trust in democratic institutions and blur the separation of powers.

The new budget does include some promising initiatives, such as the Intensive On Country Program for Indigenous youth and expanded after-hours services, but these remain overshadowed by the emphasis on detention infrastructure.

This disconnect between public perception and statistical reality creates a challenging environment for evidence-based policy making. When fear drives policy, we risk implementing ineffective but politically expedient solutions while overlooking proven interventions that could genuinely reduce youth offending. We also further cripple the human rights not only of our most vulnerable, Queensland’s children, but of everyone. These legislative amendments and presumptive onus shifts apply to all — a fact that escapes most until it applies to them.

Moving Forward: The Challenge of Evidence-Based Reform

As Queensland enters this new political era, the challenge lies in reconciling ‘Adult Crime, Adult Time’ rhetoric with evidence-based approaches. While increased penalties may satisfy public demand for action, we know that short sentences of imprisonment provide no beneficial outcomes despite satisfying the ‘principle of deterrence’ (R v Hamstra [2020] QCA 185).

The reality of Queensland’s youth justice system is far more nuanced than recent political discourse suggests. While Dr Hemming’s critiques and the new government’s ‘Adult Crime, Adult Time’ policy may resonate with public sentiment, they overlook both the substantial existing framework of penalties and the empirical evidence about youth crime trends and effective interventions. Moving forward, the focus must remain on evidence-based approaches to reducing youth offending rather than politically expedient solutions if we really want to act ‘in victim’s best interests’.


Kirstie Smith is a Mununjali, Yugembeh woman and Lecturer in Law at the University of Southern Queensland, based at the Toowoomba campus on Jagera, Giabal and Jarowair country. She practises in criminal defence in Toowoomba.

Kirstie serves on the executive committees of both the Downs and South West Queensland Law Association and the Queensland Law Society’s Future Leaders Committee. She is an active member of Women Lawyers Association Queensland, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights Inc, and Indigenous Lawyers Association Queensland.

Challenging the ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card: Why Queensland’s Youth Justice Act Falls Short

This post is the first in a series of academic posts examining Queensland’s Liberal National Party’s ‘adult crime, adult time’ policy. The posts are designed to ignite thoughtful discussion and debate. Associate Professor Andrew Hemming begins the conversation with a provocative analysis, with Mrs Kirstie Smith set to offer her response in the following post.

By Associate Professor Andrew Hemming, University of Southern Queensland

Introduction: A Policy That Doesn’t Go Far Enough

David Crisafulli’s announcement of the Queensland Liberal National Party’s ‘adult crime, adult time’ policy to combat youth crime has one major limitation: it does not go far enough. The stumbling block is the misleadingly entitled Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld) which is essentially a ‘get out of jail free card’ to Queensland’s youth. The legislation is based on the outdated neuroscience that juvenile offenders should face lesser sentences than adults because they are liable to make irrational decisions on account of peer pressure and emotional immaturity causing them to engage in high-risk behaviour.

Outdated Neuroscience: A Flawed Foundation for Youth Sentencing

The most recent neuroscience (2022) emanating from the United States is focused on the teenage brain. The old assumption that adolescents were risk machines lacking the decision-making powers of a fully developed prefrontal cortex is being challenged:

There is growing recognition that what was previously seen as immaturity is actually a cognitive, behavioral, and neurological flexibility that allows teens to explore and adapt to their shifting inner and outer worlds.

Zara Abrams, ‘What neuroscience tells us about the teenage brain’ (2022) 53(5) American Psychological Association 66.

This means that neuroscientists are now not viewing the developing brain as broken, immature or contributing to problematic behaviour, but rather as ‘malleable, flexible and promoting many positive aspects of development in adolescence’ (ibid, Abrams).

The Inadequacies of the Youth Justice Act: Protecting Offenders, Not Victims

The inadequacies of the Youth Justice Act are fundamental, commencing with the definition of a child as a person under 18 years of age. As a society, we are prepared to allow a young person to be in unsupervised control of a motor vehicle, a potentially lethal weapon, at 17 years of age, but are content to leave the age of adult criminal responsibility at 18 years of age. Why?

Perversely, under the Youth Justice Act young offenders cannot be identified, yet many seek celebrity status by boasting and posting videos on social media about their successes in stealing cars, destroying other people’s property and the like. Why should the identity of such blatant amoral publicity seekers be protected?

Case Studies: The Price of Leniency

David Crisafulli declared that the soft policing of teenagers and a dearth of serious consequences after committing serious crimes had created ‘a generation of untouchables’. Crisafulli is correct in his assertion. For example, under s 183(1) of the Youth Justice Act the default position is that ‘a conviction is not to be recorded against a child who is found guilty of an offence’. Under limited circumstances, a conviction may be recorded at the discretion of the court.

Similarly, under s 155 of the Youth Justice Act, mandatory sentence provisions in any other Queensland legislation are inapplicable and the court must disregard them. If an adult is found guilty of murder, under s 305 of the Criminal Code 1899 (Qld), the mandatory sentence is imprisonment for life with a non-parole period of 20 years. However, if a 17-year-old is convicted of murder, s 155 of the Youth Justice Act requires the court to disregard s 305 of the Criminal Code 1899 (Qld). In its place, s 176(3)(a) of the Youth Justice Act sets out the default position for a life offence of a period of imprisonment of not more than 10 years. Only if the court considers the offence ‘to be a particularly heinous offence having regard to all the circumstances’ may the court sentence a ‘child’ murderer to more than 10 years imprisonment. The teenager aged 17 years and 8 months when he murdered Emma Lovell was found by the court to have committed a particularly heinous offence and was given a head sentence of 14 years imprisonment but is only required to serve 70 per cent of that in custody and will be released in 2032.

A further high-profile example of the leniency of the court when sentencing two juvenile offenders under the Youth Justice Act can be seen in the violent knife attack on former rugby union great Toutai Kefu and his family in their Brisbane home in 2021. Before breaking into the Kefu home, one of the boys remarked: ‘If someone wakes up, just stab them’. Despite the judge finding the stabbing attack was particularly heinous, the two offenders were sentenced in June by Justice Peter Davis to seven and eight years respectively, but due to ‘special circumstances’ are only required to serve 50% of their sentences. To boot neither had a conviction recorded. Unsurprisingly, the Queensland Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath has lodged an appeal over the sentences on the ground they are manifestly inadequate, especially given the finding the offences were particularly heinous and in light of the maximum possible life penalty.

Critics of the ‘Adult Crime, Adult Time’ Policy: Missing the Mark?

After Crisafulli announced his ‘adult crime, adult time’ policy, the media gave prominence to the predictable chorus of disapproval from the usual sources. Queensland Council for Civil Liberties vice president Terry O’Gorman attacked the policy because the necessary supporting policy work had not been completed:

Law and Order slogans are one thing. Doing the hard work to fix Queensland’s juvenile justice system is quite another.

In the same vein, Queensland Law Society president Rebecca Fogerty said the policy would do little to address the systemic issues at the root of youth crime offending:

Calling for longer sentences in a struggling detention system will not fix the problem of youth crime. It will need to more overcrowding, more violence, more lockdowns, less education and less rehabilitation. This will compound the issues we know give rise to serious repeat offending.

Of course, in the eyes of such critics the blame is never to be attached to the individual violent youths involved in these serious offences, but on their disadvantaged backgrounds and their experience of domestic violence. Therefore, the proposed solution is always allegedly to be found in vast public expenditure on social housing, better schools, more welfare support systems and a myriad of programs all to be paid for by the long-suffering taxpayer.

It is unrealistic and disingenuous to pretend such massive public expenditure will ever eventuate and the community has lost patience with the endless revolving door policy of serial youth offenders. As the then Queensland Attorney-General, Shannon Fentiman observed in 2021:

We know that 46 per cent of youth crime is committed by a small group of recidivist offenders.

Ironically, existing Queensland government policies, such as school exclusions, are contributing to the problem. There is a documented progression whereby short informal exclusions develop into longer, formal suspensions because exclusionary school discipline does not address the wider factors underlying the anti-social behaviour of children and can reinforce such behaviour (Inquiry into Suspension, Exclusion and Expulsion Processes in South Australian Government Schools, Final Report, The Centre for Inclusive Education, 26 October 2020). Exclusionary school discipline contributes to the ‘school-to-prison pipeline’.

Conclusion: Repealing the Youth Justice Act—A Necessary Step

Any proper risk analysis points to one sensible conclusion: the need to take such violent offenders out of circulation in the community for which they clearly have no respect. The alleged outcomes outlined by Fogerty will not eventuate if suitable additional youth detention centres are built, which does represent expenditure the community will support. Belatedly, the Queensland government has recognised this reality by finally committing to build two new youth detention centres in Woodford and Cairns, while also constructing the Wacol Youth Remand Centre which is scheduled to open at the end of 2024.

In sum, the Youth Justice Act 1992 (Qld) needs to be repealed and more appropriate legislation introduced. Youth justice does not equal victim justice under the current Youth Justice Act.


Andrew Hemming is an Associate Professor in Law at the University of Southern Queensland, based at the Toowoomba campus. A seasoned teacher and prolific author, he specialises in evidence and criminal law.

Andrew is known for his rigorous scholarship and passion for engaging in robust debate.

Join our CPD seminar on ‘Mental Health Defences’

Grace House, School of Law and Justice, Ipswich campus, UniSQ


The School of Law and Justice at UniSQ is excited to announce a new collaboration with the Downs and South West Queensland Law Association (DSWQLA). This partnership will deliver a series of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) seminars for legal professionals, law students, and academics. Our goal is to provide affordable and relevant CPD opportunities for regional lawyers. This will enhance their professional growth and foster a vibrant legal community.

Bridging the Gap for Regional Lawyers

Accessing quality CPD can be challenging for legal practitioners in regional areas due to geographical and financial constraints. Our partnership with DSWQLA aims to address these barriers. We offer in-person seminars at a reasonable cost. This ensures regional lawyers have the same opportunities for professional development as their metropolitan counterparts. This initiative supports individual growth and strengthens the legal community.

Upcoming Seminar: Mental Health Defences in Criminal Law

We are excited to start our CPD series with a seminar on “Mental Health Defences in Criminal Law.” The seminar will be presented by Matthew Le Grand, Principal Crown Prosecutor at the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. This event promises invaluable insights into a critical aspect of criminal law. Attendees will gain knowledge and skills needed to navigate complex legal issues related to mental health and advocacy.

Event Details

  • Date: 18 July 2024
  • Time: 5:30pm
  • Venue: Room B102, UniSQ, West St (see interactive Toowoomba campus map)
  • Tickets: $25 for Members & Students, $30 for Non-Members
  • Extras: Nibbles and drinks will be provided
Front view of B Block. Image courtesy of UniSQ.

Join Us for an Evening of Learning and Networking

We invite legal professionals, law students, and academics to join us for this informative seminar. Attendees will benefit from Matthew Le Grand’s expertise. Moreover, they will have the chance to network with peers and engage with the local legal community. This event is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge, connect with others in the field, and support the professional development of regional lawyers.


We extend our thanks to Kirstie Smith for securing Matt as speaker for our inaugural seminar.

How to Purchase Tickets

Tickets can be purchased easily by scanning the QR code below (see promotional flyer) or by clicking here. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to enhance your professional skills and connect with the legal community.


The collaboration between UniSQ and DSWQLA marks a significant step forward. By participating in our CPD series, you are investing in your professional development. You are also contributing to the growth and vitality of our legal community. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming seminar and many more to come.

Call to Action

Stay tuned for more updates on our CPD series and other exciting events. Follow the School of Law and Justice on LinkedIn or subscribe to the DSWQLA mailing list. Together, let’s continue to empower and support the legal professionals of our region.

#UniSQ #DSWQLA #LegalProfessionals #LawStudents #Academics #CPD #LegalEducation #Collaboration #ProfessionalDevelopment

Navigating disruption: Insights from Queensland’s small and medium law firms

By herbinisaac on Pixabay

By Dr Aaron Timoshanko, University of Southern Queensland

The legal profession is experiencing an unprecedented wave of change. From the COVID-19 pandemic to rapid technological advancements, lawyers and law firms are facing new challenges that demand innovative responses. A recent study published in the International Journal of the Legal Profession sheds light on how solo, micro, small, and medium-sized (SMSM) law firms in Queensland are adapting to these disruptions.

Key findings

The study highlighted several key findings that reveal how SMSM law firms in Queensland are responding to disruptions:

  1. Resilience in the face of change: Contrary to the stereotype of lawyers as technology laggards, the study found that Queensland’s SMSM firms demonstrated progressiveness and willingness to innovate. Most practices reported coping well during the COVID-19 pandemic, and respondents felt confident about handling future disruptions.
  2. Technology adoption: Most firms surveyed use cloud-based practice management software, which facilitated smooth transitions to remote work during lockdowns. Respondents generally held positive attitudes towards technology in legal practice, though some wariness remains.
  3. Barriers to practice: The study identified three key barriers affecting firms’ ability to address disruption: workload pressures, information overload, and tasks associated with operating a business. Notably, these barriers are more related to human capital than technological or disaster-related disruptions.
  4. Confidence in handling threats: Interestingly, respondents reported feeling more confident in addressing external threats (like cybersecurity attacks or economic downturns) than internal threats (such as the loss of key staff). This suggests a potential blind spot in business planning and succession strategies.
  5. Desire for trusted information: Practitioners expressed a strong desire for impartial information and training from trustworthy sources, particularly their professional associations, to help them navigate disruptions and adopt new technologies.

Implications for Queensland’s legal profession

These findings have significant implications for the future of the legal profession in Queensland:

  1. Enhanced role for professional associations: The Queensland Law Society and other professional bodies have a crucial role to play in providing trusted, impartial information and training to help firms adapt to disruption. This could include educational sessions on technological developments, best practices for selecting new platforms, and strategies for managing emerging threats.
  2. Focus on business planning: The finding that firms feel less confident handling internal threats highlights the need for greater emphasis on business planning, succession strategies, and risk management. Law societies could provide targeted resources and training in these areas.
  3. Time management as a critical skill: With workload pressures and information overload identified as major barriers, developing effective time management strategies becomes crucial. Firms may need to explore new technologies and processes to streamline administrative tasks and free up time for strategic planning.
  4. Cybersecurity awareness: While respondents reported confidence in handling cybersecurity threats, this may indicate overconfidence, given the sophistication of modern cyber-attacks. Increased education and resources on cybersecurity best practices should be a priority.
  5. Leveraging alternative business structures: The high proportion of incorporated legal practices (ILPs) among respondents suggests that firms are already adopting more flexible business models. This trend could be further encouraged to enhance firms’ adaptability and competitiveness.
  6. Balancing innovation and ethics: As firms adopt new technologies, including AI tools like ChatGPT, there’s a need for clear guidance on ethical use and best practices. Professional bodies and regulators should work proactively to address these emerging challenges.

The legal profession in Queensland, like elsewhere, is at a crossroads. While SMSM law firms have shown resilience and adaptability, they face significant challenges in navigating an increasingly complex and disruptive landscape.

By focusing on strategic planning, effectively leveraging technology, and tapping into the resources of professional associations, these firms can position themselves not just to survive but to thrive in the face of future disruptions. The key will be balancing innovation with the core ethical principles that have long defined the legal profession.


Dr Aaron Timoshanko is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Law and Justice at the University of Southern Queensland.

Aaron’s main research foci lie in corporate law, accountability, and regulatory theory. Aaron’s PhD thesis was conferred in 2018 by Monash University and was awarded the 2018 Mollie Holman Medal for the best thesis for the Faculty of Law.

Prior to undertaking postgraduate study, Aaron worked in-house and as a solicitor in private practice.

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